Sunday, September 9, 2012

Composition Project

 The above picture is an example of a bad composition photo. There is no contrast, no main subject/focal point, nor is there any unity. This picture is a mess and a perfect example of a photo with bad composition.

This picture is a much better example of good composition. This picture has way better balance, more unity, and a good contrast between the purple flower and the green leaves.

The main focal point of this picture is the giant, scary spider. This picture emphasizes the spider but also draws your eye to the flag in the background. There's also a big contrast between the dark colored spider and the white post the spider is sitting on.

The main focal point of this picture is the yellow flower but the green leaves contrast the yellow flower.  I also believe this picture has unity because the picture shows the flower and the leaves the flower grows in harmony with; this picture avoids random, unnecessary extras.

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